Hiab Hire - Abnormal Load - Aviation Transport- Boat Transport
Contact Us
Kyles Transport Services Limited
Unit 28 star trading estate
NP18 1PQ
If you do require transport or hiab movement its handy to have some info at the ready
eg: place to and from
type of load(container,generator,cabin)
weight of load
dimensions of load
If the load is to be craned on or off it is also helpful to know
whether there are any power lines,underground services
The ground conditions,If there is tight access things like that which
will give us a better understanding of the job in hand
we can also come and do a site survey
Transport/Hiab hire - Kyle Hourihane 07817 729099
General inquiries - 01633 422896
Email - kylestransport@aol.com
-Kyles Transport Services remember we are you first port of call for-
Hiab hire , Boat Transport , Aviation Transport ,Machinery Transport